Cognitive Tutor: Magic Trick

Teaching people how to perform a Magic Trick using Cognitive Tutor

Cognitive Tutor: Teaching a Magic Trick

Tools used: CMUCTAT/CTAT: Cognitive Tutor Authoring Tools, HTML
GitHub: Tutorshop:

This Tutor was developed as part of the instruction for T554 – Artificial Intelligence in Education, taught at Harvard University Graduate School of Education

Video 1: Card trick Explanation: Guess the correct card

Video 2 Deconstruction of Tasks Steps VanLehn (2006)

Step 1: Identifying the card

Step 2: Preparing the Deck

Step 3: Arranging the Cards

Step 4: Shuffling

Step 5: Picking the Odd one Out

Cognitive structure: 

Hints, Incorrect, Correct Non optimal, and Correct Cues